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هاوي الاستماع للإذاعات العالمية والمراسلة

الاثنين، 30 أكتوبر 2017

Re:inbox smtp/webmail/fresh leads/cpanel hot selling


Bulk mailing tools updated packages available now, please check plan list and do not hesitate to add my skype ID LJSANITARY1998 for advice!

Plan 1: Unlimited SMTP server + licensed Turbo Mailer+ admin RDP/Price: $155/Monthly

Plan 2: Unlimited SMTP server with web-based mailer software/Price: $155/Monthly

Plan 3: Unlimited SMTP server /Price: $99/Monthly

Plan 4: Unlimited web-mail

Roundcube webmail price: $135/Monthly

Zimbra webmail price: $155/Monthly

Plan 5: admin RDP/price: $35/Monthly

1- no usage limit/all ports open

Plan 6: business/CEO & CFO/private email lead

1- business company email leads: $35 per 100k

2- CEO & CFO email leads: $50 per 100k

Plan 7: cpanel/price: $35/Monthly

1- host any page

Plan 9: email extractor/price: $155 with lifetime license

1- lifetime license/update to latest version any time

2- extract email by keywords or URL

3- extract email from targeted country

Plan 10: email verifier/price $135 with lifetime license

1- remove invalid emails/get better email performance


Payment we accept:

1- Perfect Money

2- Credit Card

3- Bitcoin

4- Western Union

5- Money Gram

6- Bank T/T


Online marketing solutions inc.

Whats app/Viber: +86-13857707871

Skype id: LJSANITARY1998

Email: 728556969@qq.com

الثلاثاء، 24 أكتوبر 2017

Businesss Proposal.


My name is Lucas Moore. I am a wealth manager / procurement assistant. I got your contact details in my search for a reliable and neutral company or individual to partner with in the area of investment. One of our clients is interested in investing in a profitable business in your region with good Annual Return on Investment (AROI). Details of the investment will be furnished to you when I receive your response which will also facilitate a face to face meeting with the investors.
Kindly reply directly to our follow up email to proceed: lucasmoore.investment@gmail.com

Yours Sincerely,
Lucas Moore

السبت، 21 أكتوبر 2017

Re:inbox smtp/webmail/fresh leads/cpanel hot selling


Bulk mailing tools updated packages available now, please check plan list and do not hesitate to add my skype ID LJSANITARY1998 for advice!

Plan 1: Unlimited SMTP server + licensed Turbo Mailer+ admin RDP/Price: $155/Monthly

Plan 2: Unlimited SMTP server with web-based mailer software/Price: $155/Monthly

Plan 3: Unlimited SMTP server /Price: $99/Monthly

Plan 4: Unlimited web-mail

Roundcube webmail price: $135/Monthly

Zimbra webmail price: $155/Monthly

Plan 5: admin RDP/price: $35/Monthly

1- no usage limit/all ports open

Plan 6: business/CEO & CFO/private email lead

1- business company email leads: $35 per 100k

2- CEO & CFO email leads: $50 per 100k

Plan 7: cpanel/price: $35/Monthly

1- host any page

Plan 9: email extractor/price: $155 with lifetime license

1- lifetime license/update to latest version any time

2- extract email by keywords or URL

3- extract email from targeted country

Plan 10: email verifier/price $135 with lifetime license

1- remove invalid emails/get better email performance


Payment we accept:

1- Perfect Money

2- Credit Card

3- Bitcoin

4- Western Union

5- Money Gram

6- Bank T/T


Online marketing solutions inc.

Whats app/Viber: +86-13857707871

Skype id: LJSANITARY1998

Email: 728556969@qq.com

الاثنين، 2 أكتوبر 2017

Fatca  Legal Consultant

Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l'e-mail, cliquez ici

Bonjour Madame, Monsieur,

Depuis le 1er janvier 2017 une amende de 30% doit être prise sur les virements en faveur des banques non conformes Fatca. Vos banquiers correspondants exigent une conformité Fatca  de plus en plus stricte.

Hello Miss, Sir,
Since 1 January 2017 a fine of 30% has to be taken on transfers received by non-compliant banks Fatca. Your matching bankers require increasingly strict Fatca compliance.
Our clients face a complex 1500-page foreign law that could jeopardize the future of their financial institution.
Boetie Consulting can solve your problems in 2 ways:

Nos clients sont aux prises avec une loi étrangère de 1500 pages, complexe et pouvant mettre en péril l’avenir de leur établissement financier.

Boetie Conseil peut résoudre vos problèmes de 2 façons :

         Par le Conseil

Une étude détaillée de votre organisation et de vos process Fatca ainsi qu’un appui technique pour vous rendre totalement compliant.

Nous pouvons :

  • Vous obtenir votre GIIN,
  • Vérifier votre documentation des comptes clients,
  • Calculer votre reporting annuel Fatca
  • Réaliser son envoi vers le fisc américain


       Par la formation de votre équipe Fatca au niveau professionnel de Compliance Officer fatca en une semaine de séminaire intensif

Nous avons mis en place un séminaire traitant spécifiquement de FATCA, dont le programme restera ciblé entièrement sur la mise en place et les difficultés de FATCA.

Il répondra à tous les aspects pratiques pour la formation des Compliance Officers, la documentation des comptes, la conception et l’envoi du reporting annuel à l’IRS.

Nous vous conseillons de nous interroger dès à présent sur toutes les questions qui se présenteraient à vous.


Quelle que soit la formule choisie, nous vous apporterons une solution sur-mesure et efficace.

Cela peut se dérouler dans nos locaux à Paris comme dans les vôtres

Bien cordialement, et dans l’attente d’avoir le plaisir de vous rencontrer.


Jérôme Codomier

Consutant Expert Fatca

33 6 86 18 27 77




Hello Miss, Sir,

Since 1 January a fine of 30% has to be taken on transfers received by non-compliant banks Fatca. Your matching bankers require increasingly strict Fatca compliance.

Our clients face a complex 1500-page foreign law that could jeopardize the future of their financial institution.
Boetie Consulting can solve your problems in 2 ways:

  • For the Council
    A detailed study of your organization and your Fatca processes as well as technical support to make you totally compliant.
    We can :
     You get your GIIN,ü
     Check your accounts receivable documentation,ü
     Calculate your Fatca annual reportingü
     Send to the US tax authoritiesü


  • By training your Fatca team at the professional level of Compliance Officer fatca in one week of intensive seminarØ

We have set up a seminar dealing specifically with FATCA, the program of which will remain entirely focused on the implementation and difficulties of FATCA.
It will address all practical aspects of Compliance Officers training, account documentation, design and sending of annual reporting to the IRS.
We advise you to ask us questions on all the questions that will come before you.


Whatever the formula chosen, we will provide you a tailor-made and effective solution.
This can take place in our premises in Paris as in yours

Sincerely, and looking forward to having the pleasure of meeting you.

Jérôme Codomier
Consutant Expert Fatca

33 6 86 18 27 77






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