Excellente Année 2018.
Qu'elle vous apporte de beaux succès et des réussites personnelles comme professionnelles.
Emmanuelle Hugonin
Directrice des Séminaires
Excellente Année 2018.
Qu'elle vous apporte de beaux succès et des réussites personnelles comme professionnelles.
Emmanuelle Hugonin
Directrice des Séminaires
Madame, Monsieur,
La loi Américaine Fatca est un vrai défi à mettre en place pour les banques et assurances.
Les textes touffus et une application variable suivant les pays complique encore cette tâche.
Madam, Sir,
The US Fatca law is a real challenge to put in place for banks and insurance companies.
The dense texts and a variable application according to the countries make this task even more difficult.
(English version below)
Vos banques correspondantes menacent-elles de ne plus traiter avec vous ? Votre reporting ou son absence ne risquent-ils pas d’attirer l’attention du fisc américain, et est-il cohérent avec les déclarations de vos confrères ?
Pour faire le point, éliminer ces risques ainsi qu’éviter de lourdes amendes, voire même l’exclusion des marchés comme établissement non compliant Fatca, Boetie Conseil vous propose son expertise reconnue sur Fatca.
Nous pouvons dans vos locaux ou les nôtres sur Paris ;
Nous avons 8 outils différents pour vous permettre une parfaite compliance Fatca
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous avons votre solution
Jérôme Codomier
Consultant Spécialiste Fatca
Madam, Sir
The US Fatca law is a real challenge to put in place for banks and insurance companies.
The dense texts and a variable application according to the countries make this task even more difficult.
• Is the documentation of the accounts adequate and comprehensive?
• Are yours compliance controls effectives,
• Have you an irreproachable annual reporting,
• How to report sensitive cases,
• What about bank secrecy?
Do your correspondent banks threaten to stop dealing with you? Is your reporting or absence not likely to attract the attention of the US tax authorities, and is it consistent with the statements of your colleagues?
To make the point, eliminate these risks, as well as avoid heavy fines, or even the exclusion of markets as non-compliant Fatca, Boetie Conseil offers its recognized expertise on Fatca.
We can, in your premises, or ours on Paris;
• Train your Fatca deontologists, (We provide a specialized intensive course of one week on request)
• Establish rules for opening and documenting accounts.
• Modify your processes to make them compliant
• Perform your annual reporting calculations
• Advise you with the best solution to send your .XML file in FIRE
We have 8 different tools to allow you a perfect compliance Fatca
Do not hesitate to contact us, we have your solution
Jérôme Codomier
Fatca Specialist Consultant
Bulk mailing tools new packages available now, please check below packages list and do not hesitate to add my skype ID LJSANITARY1998/Yahoo Messenger ID +8613857707871/ICQ UIN:727133429 for advice!
Plan 1: Unlimited SMTP server + licensed Turbo Mailer+ admin RDP/Price: $155/Monthly
Plan 2: Unlimited SMTP server installed web-based mailinig software/Price: $155/Monthly
( plan 2 no RDP and no turbo mailer/AMS/Sendblaster need)
Plan 3: Unlimited SMTP server /Price: $99/Monthly
(plan 3 include sender address/username/password/smtp server, need work with turbo mailer/AMS/Sendblaster etc...)
Plan 4: Unlimited web-mail
Roundcube webmail (bcc up to 1000 emails)price: $135/Monthly
Zimbra webmail (bcc up to 1000 emails)price: $155/Monthly
Plan5:admin RDP
1-below location admin RDP price: $35/Monthly
2-below locations admin RDP price: $45/Monthly
HongKong/China/Indian/Japan/Singapore/South Korea/Brazil/Colombia/Mexico/Indonesia/Israel/Malaysia/Pakistan/Taiwan/Thailand/Tureky/U.A.E/Vietnam/Australia/Egypt/New Zealand/Nigeria/South Africa
Plan 6: business/CEO & CFO/private email lead
1- business company email leads: $35 per 100k
2- CEO & CFO email leads: $50 per 100k
Please contact me for which country leads you need!
Plan 7: cpanel
1-bulletproof WHM + Cpanel/price: $55/Monthly
dedicated ip/host any page/ignore any complaints/client can create unlimited cpanel user accounts
2-normal cpanel/price: $35/Monthly
for normal usage/host legal page only/one cpanel user account
Plan 8: dedicated ip VPN/price: $35/Monthly
we have 52 countries ip avaiable for VPN, please contact me for which country ip you need!
Plan 9: email extractor/price: $155 with lifetime license
1- lifetime license/update to latest version any time
2- extract email by keywords or URL
3- extract email from targeted country
Plan 10: email verifier/price $135 with lifetime license
1- remove invalid emails/get better email performance
Payment we accept:
1- Perfect Money
2- Credit Card
3- Bitcoin
4- Western Union
5- Money Gram
6- Bank T/T
online marketing solutions ltd.
Whats app:+86-13857707871
Skype id: LJSANITARY1998
Yahoo Messenger id:+8613857707871
ICQ UIN:727133429
Email: 728556969@qq.com